The focus is mainly on women and girls belonging to the disadvantaged and underprivileged groups. This home is meant primarily for those women and girls who are either exposed to moral danger , are victims of family discord resulting in the strain of family relationships or emotional disturbances.

Beneficiaries include the women who are being forced into prostitution, who as a result of family tension or discord are compelled to leave their homes or are even facing litigation on account of marital disputes, who have been sexually assaulted, who are victims of mental maladjustment, emotional disturbances and social ostracism and who have run away from home due to mental / physical torture and need shelter, psychiatric treatment and counseling. Preferential age group is 16 to 55 years. Children (boys below 8years and girls of any age) accompanying their mothers are also allowed to stay.

Swadhar Gruha is financially supported by Department of Woman and Child Welfare, Government of India since 2001. Efforts are taken to provide homely atmosphere. Once admitted, a woman is given the required support which includes medical care, psychiatric treatment, case work services, occupational and diversional therapy, social facilities for adjustment, educational, vocational, recreational and cultural activities etc according to individual requirements. Indoor and outdoor games are also provided. Generally a prolonged stay is discouraged, but it may extend from one night to three years.

The women in distress require help and guidance to regain confidence in themselves to face the situation and to acquire skills to become self reliant and to develop relationships with people that could help in re-establishing their status in society. The effort is aimed at helping the women to rehabilitate themselves within a short period of time. With this thought, Swadhar Gruha 'Aashray' was established by CMM.